Model My Watershed: A Tool for Water Resource Management
Thursday, March 9
Two-hour EPA Watershed Academy Webcast Seminar
Update: Video Recording and slides now available at Watershed Academy Webcast Archive for Model My Watershed: A Tool for Water Resource Management
Anthony Aufdenkampe, Ph.D., Senior Environmental Scientist, LimnoTech
Barry M. Evans, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, Penn State University and Adjunct Faculty member at Stroud Water Research Center
Bill Brown, Chief, TMDL Development Section, PA Department of Environmental Protection
Join us for a webcast about the Model My Watershed web app. This tool is part of the WikiWatershed toolkit that is being developed by Stroud Water Research Center. Model My Watershed is a user-friendly online watershed modeling web application intended for use by citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, educators, students, and others. This tool enables users to do the following:
- Analyze nationally-available landscape, climate and other datasets in their neighborhoods and watersheds.
- Model stormwater runoff and water quality impacts using professional-grade models.
- Compare how different conservation or development scenarios could modify runoff and water quality.
Model My Watershed allows users to learn how land use and soil together determine whether rainfall infiltrates into the soil, runs off into streams, or is evaporated and transpired by plants. This internet tool is intended to provide an easy-to-use professional-grade modeling package to inform land-use decisions, support conservation practices, and enhance watershed education.
The webcast will provide background on the tool, will demonstrate the tool, and will highlight how this tool is being used by several states and others for their total maximum daily load, nonpoint source, and municipal stormwater programs.
Webcast participants are eligible to receive a certificate for their attendance. The webcast presentations are posted in advance, and participants are encouraged to download them prior to the webcast.