WikiWatershed is a web toolkit designed to help citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, researchers, educators, and students advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water. WikiWatershed an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center, a global leader in freshwater science.

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Model My Watershed

Model My Watershed: An Introduction for Environmental Advisory Council Volunteers

Recorded June 2024
Video length: approximately one hour

In this WeConservePA webinar, Stroud Water Research Center President and Executive Director David Arscott, Ph.D., and Carol Armstrong, Master Watershed Steward and chair of the Charlestown Township Environmental Action Committee, present an introduction to the tool, best use-cases, limitations, and an overview of training resources available for volunteers who would like to put this powerful tool to work for them.

Model My Watershed Tool Training: American Farmland Trust Outcomes Estimation Tools Webinar Series

Recorded June 2023
Video length: approximately 1.5 hours

For the Outcomes Estimation Tools Training Webinar Series, Model My Watershed tool developers demonstrate how to use the tool to quantify the water quantity and quality outcomes associated with practice adoption in farm conservation projects.

American Farmland Trust Outcomes Estimation Tools Webinar Series Launch, featuring Model My Watershed

Recorded May 2023
Video length: approximately 1.5 hour

With support from EPA and the Walton Family Foundation, American Farmland Trust is providing project managers with an Outcomes Estimation Tools Training Webinar Series to aid in their quantification of outcomes associated with farm conservation practices.

Updates and Improvements to the Online Water Quality Modeling Application, Model My Watershed

Recorded September 2020
Video length: approximately one hour

Virtual presentation at the 2020 Watershed Congress by David Arscott, Ph.D., of Stroud Water Research Center. The Watershed Congress is presented by Delaware Riverkeeper Network.

Model My Watershed for Beginner and Intermediate Users

Recorded May 2020
Video length: approximately one hour

In this Waterkeeper Alliance webinar, Stroud Water Research Center Executive Director and Research Scientist Dave Arscott, Ph.D., demonstrates how Model My Watershed® lets users visualize geographic data describing watershed conditions and model water quality as they change land use and implement various stormwater BMPs.

Model My Watershed for Delaware River Watershed Initiative Partners

Recorded September 2018
Video length: approximately one hour

This webinar demonstrates how to use the Model My Watershed web app as a tool for project planning and implementing best management practices in the Delaware River watershed.

NACD Urban and Community Conservation Webinar: Model My Watershed

Recorded December 2017
Video length: approximately one hour

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) featured the Model My Watershed web app in its December Urban and Community Conservation webinar.

Model My Watershed for Delaware River Watershed Initiative Groups

Recorded November 2017
Video length: approximately one hour

This Model My Watershed (MMW) webinar for groups participating in the Delaware River Watershed Initiative (DRWI) reviewed general usage and features of MMW and placed this in the context of DRWI projects and goals.[

Model My Watershed for Water Resource Managers, Conservation Practitioners, and Municipal Decision-Makers

Recorded November 2017
Video length: approximately one hour

This Penn State Water Resources Extension webinar showed how to use the Model My Watershed web app to analyze real land use, soil, and other data for an area of interest, model stormwater runoff and water-quality impacts, and compare how different conservation or development scenarios could modify runoff and water quality.

Model My Watershed: A Tool for Water Resource Management

Recorded March 2017
Video length: approximately two hours

This US EPA Watershed Academy webcast provides background on the Model My Watershed tool, demonstrates the tool, and highlights how this tool is being used by several states and others for their total maximum daily load, nonpoint source, and municipal stormwater programs. Visit the Watershed Academy archive to download the PowerPoint presentation.

Model My Watershed for Resource Management

Recorded September 2016
Video length: approximately one hour, 15 minutes

Resource managers, conservation practitioners, and municipal decision-makers: learn how to use the Model My Watershed web app to analyze real land use, soil and other data for an area of interest, model stormwater runoff and water-quality impacts, and compare how different conservation or development scenarios could modify runoff and water quality

Teaching Environmental Sustainability With Model My Watershed (TES-MMW)

The TES-MMW curriculum (National Science Foundation grant DRL #1418133) gives students the ability to use data to understand how human actions impact watershed health. It lets them collect, analyze, manipulate, visualize, and experiment with real data in a modeling framework. They can then use their knowledge to make informed decisions.

Monitor My Watershed

Monitor My Watershed and EnviroDIY: Open-Source Environmental Sensors to Monitor Water Quality with Real-Time Access to Data

Recorded April 2020
Video length: approximately one hour

This Waterkeeper Alliance webinar introduces resources and tools you can use to build real-time, low-cost data loggers that can form the core of your DIY environmental monitoring system.

How to Use Monitor My Watershed (15-Minute Version)

A beginner’s guide to using the Monitor My Watershed data portal to explore do-it-yourself environmental sensor data. Monitor My Watershed is part of the WikiWatershed Toolkit, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center.

How to Use Monitor My Watershed (55-Minute Version)

A in-depth tutorial for using the Monitor My Watershed data portal to explore do-it-yourself environmental sensor data. Monitor My Watershed is part of the WikiWatershed Toolkit, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center.


Please visit the EnviroDIY Videos page.

Leaf Pack Network

Please visit the Leaf Pack Network Videos page.

Please visit the blog for a video tutorial.

WikiWatershed Toolkit for Educators

WikiWatershed Toolkit and NGSS

Recorded April 2019
Video length: approximately one hour

The National Association of Geoscience Teachers webinar utilized the Model My Watershed app which is part of the WikiWatershed Toolkit, a free online resource. Part of the webinar included demonstrating the toolkit. Watch the video

Teaching Environmental Sustainability With Model My Watershed (TES-MMW)

The TES-MMW curriculum (National Science Foundation grant DRL #1418133) gives students the ability to use data to understand how human actions impact watershed health. It lets them collect, analyze, manipulate, visualize, and experiment with real data in a modeling framework. They can then use their knowledge to make informed decisions.

WikiWatershed Toolkit for Educators

Recorded December 2016
Video length: approximately one hour

Stroud Center’s WikiWatershed website offers teachers, citizens, and professionals a suite of useful online and hands-on tools to promote freshwater stewardship. This webinar introduces WikiWatershed and then focuses on the Model My Watershed web app, which demonstrates the effects of land use and best management practices on your local streams and watersheds.