Last updated on 2022-07-22
The My Sites page becomes available in the Monitor My Watershed menu when a user creates an account (Figure 3). It displays the user’s registered sites and the sites the user follows, on a map and in list form. This page also includes a button to register a new site.
4.1 Register a Site
- Click on “My Sites” in the Monitor My Watershed main menu.
- Click the “Register a New Site” button.
- Fill out the data fields for your site.
- Site code: enter a brief and unique text string to identify your site (e.g., “DelRiv_Phil”).
- Site name: enter a brief but descriptive name for your site (e.g., “Delaware River near Phillipsburg”).
- Site type: select the type of site you are deploying to from the menu.
- Stream name: *it is encouraged to enter a name even if it is ‘unknown tributary XXX.’
- Major watershed and sub-basin (optional)
- Closest town (optional)
- Notes (optional)
- Latitude and longitude: enter your lat/long in decimal degrees OR zoom in on the map, click to place a pin at your site location, and the lat/long will be auto-generated.
- Elevation and elevation datum: auto-generated from your lat/long.
You may also check a box to be notified if the website stops receiving sensor data from your site.
4.2 Edit a Site
- Click on “My Sites” in the Monitor My Watershed main menu.
- Scroll down to find the site you’d like to edit. Click on the Site Code to go to the site page.
- Once on the site page, click the “Edit” button.
- Edit your site data and click the “Save Edits” button.
4.3 Delete a Site
- Click on “My Sites” in the Monitor My Watershed main menu.
- Scroll down to find the site you’d like to edit. Click on the Site Code to go to the site page.
- Click the red delete button above the map to delete the experiment.
4.4 Follow a Site
- Click on “Browse Sites” in the Monitor My Watershed main menu.
- In the “Browse Data Collection Sites” sidebar, under “Data Types,” check the “EnviroDIY” box.
- Click on a map marker and then on the “View data for this site” link.
- Check the “Follow” box in the right corner above the map. The sites you follow will appear on your “My Sites” page, below your registered sites.