Kristine Rogers replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years ago
Monitor My Watershed is showing the battery for SL133 has been transmitting intermittently since November 25 when we conducted the QC for the sensor. Since then, I have cleared additional vegetation around the sensor to make sure the solar panel is getting enough light and swapped out the memory card. Does this mean I need to get a new b…[Read more]
David Bressler replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years ago
@abarney, yes those types of issues are fairly common. You could consider installing a shield to help with catching debris(?), see recent blog, https://www.envirodiy.org/hemispherical-shield-to-reduce-fouling-sensor/
Albert Barney replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years ago
I was at SL153 on 11/16/20 and found leaves and sediment around probe cleaned and cleared. Problem is location of probes in pool that has a back eddy so debris circles back to probe location!
Carol Armstrong replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 1 months ago
This is the report for 11/15/20
@lemon, @vogt. SL153 (ULHC3S:Hunter Ck U-Strohl Valley), depth values became highly exaggerated (not seen in past year) since 10/27 to the present. Does this represent something going on in the watershed or problem with sensor or cables?
@archer, SL246 (PUMC1S:Mill Creek – Silver Lake Nature Center), Station has…[Read more]
David Bressler replied to the topic Upcoming Events in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 1 months ago
Reminder that the monthly EnviroDIY-DRWI meeting is in one week – Thursday, November 19, 2020, 2:30-3:30p (as usual, it’s on the third Thursday of the month). The agenda is attached (note Dr. John Jackson will be talking about conductivity during this meeting and the December meeting).
Please pass this info on to any other volunteers, staff,…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 1 months ago
Sensor values of -9999 mean the Mayfly logger isn’t getting a valid reading from the sensor. The sparkline plots on a station’s MMW main page show all of the unfiltered data, so readings of -9999 throw off the scale and make the plots look unusable, but it’s not a big problem since it’s only a 72-hour graph and is only there to give you a…[Read more]
Jim Moore replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 1 months ago
I don’t know why the sparklines for the decagon are weird with spikes to -9999. The decagon was out of service from 10/19 to 10/23 due to beaver damage. I reconfigured with flex conduit and spliced the decagon cable so conductivity and temperature work but the depth reading is meaningless since there is no valid atmospheric reference.
Carol Armstrong replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 1 months ago
This is the report for 11/4/20
@moore, SL150, BCMC4S:Marsh Creek D) Fairview Rd. The values for all the sensors are up to date and look normal on the Time Series graphs, but on Browse Sites the CTD spark line values are displayed as -9999.
@collins, sl159, PUPC3S:Primrose Ck D at Delaware R, the station has not transmitted since 11/1. B…[Read more]
Carol Armstrong replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 1 months ago
This is the report for 10/27
@shanemorgan. SL132(BCMC2S:Mill C-Hickory Hills). Logger stopped transmitting on 10/25 at 11:40 pm EDT. Battery was 3.59v. Is this battery failure? MonMW does not indicate the logger has a 4G board, but was it upgraded, so possible 4G failure?
@mcgrath, @weaver, @mooney. SL155 (PURC1S:Ridley Ck U). No readings…[Read more]
Carol Armstrong replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 2 months ago
This is the report for 10/18/2020
@shanemorgan, SL132, BCMC2S:Mill C-Hickory Hills, data is transmitting and up to date, but signal strength and percent full scale became -9999 around 10/15.
@wang, SL176, PUSR2S:Schuylkill River-Bartram’s Garden, last observation from station recorded on MonMW was 10/13/20. Battery was >4.0v.
mhartshorne joined the group Delaware Basin EnviroDIY Monitoring Stations 4 years, 2 months ago
Carol Armstrong replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 2 months ago
This is the report for 10/10/20
@collins, SL159 (PUPC3S:Primrose Ck D at Delaware R) battery has declined persistently since late August, now at 3.6v. Data does not appear interrupted.
@melvin, @ruggiero, SL171 (KCLR1S:Loper Run) battery remains low, 3.55v, station is transmitting intermittently.
@archer, SL246 (PUMC1S:Mill Creek – Silver Lake…[Read more]
Carol Armstrong replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 2 months ago
This is the report for 9/27/20
@Roth, SL112(PUPP3S:Pennypack D-PaperMillBridge). Data transmitting periodically, battery at floor of 3.55v and recharges only to 3.56 since 9/6/20.
@Blanton, SL117(PUSR1S:Sandy Run). Long gaps in signal occurring, battery at 3.5v. SL118(PUSR3S:UT to Sandy Run): Long gaps in signal occurring, battery at 3…[Read more]
Carol Armstrong replied to the topic Weekly Reports in the forum Delaware Basin Monitoring Stations 4 years, 2 months ago
This is the report for 9/12/27