Hi All,
I just finished doing some housekeeping regarding the discharge rating curves. There are a couple updated curves for sensor station sites that I’ll be uploading today. I’ll be taking down the older ones as well. As an FYI, Stroud will be taking a more active role with using the rating curves for watershed analysis, so thank you to the groups who have continued to update and upload their rating curves onto Wikiwatershed.
– To the forum users who are uploading rating curves, be sure to take down the older ones or notify the owner of the older curve to offload it to keep the file system clean and without duplicates.
– To the forum users who have independently been developing their rating curves, could you upload your most updated rating curve onto here for Stroud to look at?
– To the forum users who have independently been analyzing the grab samples or have been using another organization to do the analysis, could you upload the chemistry results along with the corresponding grab sample number, date and time of collection, and any other related info to the sample(s)?
If anyone has questions regarding this update, ask them in this thread of the forum rather than email to make sure everyone in the DRWI group can see both question and answer.
Thank you,
Matt Gisondi, Stroud Water Research Center Citizen Science Program