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  4. 14. What Is the Correct Citation for Model My Watershed for Use in Papers?

14. What Is the Correct Citation for Model My Watershed for Use in Papers?

Last updated on 2022-05-04

Citing Model Data

If you are using a specific output map and data that you modeled then you should make that project “Public” in your “My Projects” and then “Share” the project to get the specific URL for your project. Then follow APA formatting for Graphic Data (e.g. Interactive Maps and Other Graphic Representations of Data):

  1. Give the name of the researching organization followed by the date.
  2. In brackets, provide a brief explanation of what type of data is there and in what form it appears.
  3. Finally, provide the project name and retrieval information.

Example: Stroud Water Research Center. (2021). [Screenshot of Model My Watershed runoff model for 24-hour hypothetical storm event]. White Clay Creek Site Storm Model. Retrieved from

Citing the Software

If you want to cite Model My Watershed in general, follow APA format for computer software. Software that is downloaded from a website should provide the software’s version and year when available.

Example: Stroud Water Research Center. (2017). Model My Watershed [Software]. Available from

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